Sunday, 15 May 2011

Albert Sloman Library Visiting

At one moment I was thinking abut how many time the searching will take me,but as soon as I knew the library system I was ready to start looking for the book which I found on line .
Finally,after might be 15 minute I was ready to live with my book, and thinking how simple it was .

1 comment:

  1. Which book did you borrow, Ahmad?

    I've put asterisks (*) some words and expressions from your paragraph that I think you could improve on. Can you find better ways to express what I have highlighted and then edit your original post? If there's something that you can't find a correction for, just let me know.

    *At one momen*t I was thinking abut how *many* time the searching will take me,but as soon as I knew the library system I was ready to start looking for the book which I found on line .
    Finally,after *might be* 15 minute I was ready *to live* with my book, and thinking how simple it was .

    By the way, in your final sentence, does "it" refer to the book or the system of finding the book?
